The Release Technique: Why it Works so Well

nature waterMany people have used and are healing themselves using some type of Clearing/Releasing energy work.  I have used many of these techniques, including The Healing Codes, Theta Healing, Quantum Energy Transformation, Spontaneous Transformation Technique and The Release Technique 1.  The one that I recommend to someone new to this type of work is The Release Technique.  The reason I like it so much is it clears past emotions; it trains you how to deal with thoughts and emotions as they come up and how to treat yourself in a loving way.

The Release Technique and Stress

We have all heard that stress is not good for you and a cause of illness and disease.  The Release Technique helps you to avoid the stress response or reverse it.  When you are in a stress response, your body releases chemicals and stops certain important bodily and cellular functions.  If this happens often or is not reversed, damage occurs, your body is weakened and disease thrives.  Stress isn’t what happens outside you, it is your response to what happened.  Your patterns, memories and traumatic events determine your response.  The Release Technique takes you through questions and exercises and you learn to release those emotions.  So when something happens that reminds you of a stressful emotion, the emotion has been released, so no stress response occurs.

skipping stone

The Release Technique and Your Thoughts

The Release Technique brings in the idea of The Law of Attraction.  It reminds us that when we “Want” something, it means that we are lacking that thing.  When we send the message of want or lack, we will attract more lack of that thing.  The Release Technique focuses on releasing or letting go of want or lack.  It groups all “wants” into one of three categories, want of Approval, Control or Security.  So, when something comes up that stirs up emotion, you release until you no longer want it.

One of the keystones to The Release Technique is the six steps.  The first step is “You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.” 1 Imperturbable is unable to be upset or excited, calm.  This is brilliant because it takes the want or lack away from your goal.  So, you release on all things that upset or excite you thereby changing the emotions and thoughts.  Lester Levenson, who developed The Release Technique, released all his non-loving thoughts and healed himself from terminal illness.  His focus was not on wanting to be healed, but once he released the non-loving feelings, all areas of his life healed.

The Release Technique teaches us to stop trying to figure out how to fix whatever it is you want to fix.  This is important for two reasons, the first is you have probably already tried many times to “figure it out” and haven’t, so it pointless to continue if it is not working.  The second reason when you are figuring it out, you are focusing on what you want to correct, what you don’t want.

dropThe Release Technique and You

This is perhaps my favorite part.  The Release Technique teaches us to stop beating ourselves up and disapproving ourselves.  Many of us are very hard on ourselves; we criticize our bodies, decisions and our actions.  This just makes you feel badly and fills you with negativity.  After you stop disapproving of yourself, you learn to send yourself love and approval.

The last benefit is The Release Techniques reminds us that approval and love are inside us and we can have them whenever we desire them.  One of the exercizes is to send yourself love and approval as you fall asleep every night.


The Release Technique works in three significant ways.  It helps you clear old emotions by releasing the “wants” that are stirred up.  It teaches you how to release things as they come up so you don’t feel stressed.  The Release Technique also teaches you how to treat yourself in a kind and loving manner.  All of things not only release the stress but helps you be happier and more peaceful.  Click Here to learn more.

  1. The Release Technique –  The Abundance Course is the first course to learn the method; they also have a weekly call and free support to help you.  Click Here

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