Energy Healing: How to Heal Your Body from Illness

sun_5I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which believed by most to be incurable and most likely terminal.  After years of research and trying many therapies, I learned how to develop a strategy of techniques and therapies that are helping my body heal.  I use many energy healing techniques and natural healing therapies.  While I am not completely healed, I am walking, moving and talking better than I have in years.  I am also building muscle and getting stronger.

If I had to attribute my success to one thing it would be that I never gave up and always believed that I would find a way to heal.  Everything I am doing in my energy healing strategy has the goal of eliminating stress, increasing the vibrational frequency in my body and increasing the energy or voltage in the cells.


Clear or Release Sources of Stress

I have learned so much over the past five years and if I could go back, knowing what I know now, the first thing I would do would be to reduce the internal and external stress in my life.  In the Causes of Illness post I discussed the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and the effect of stress on your body and health.

For purposes of clearing and releasing, I am referring to emotional or internal stress.  You want to remove the emotional charge on events and memories to eliminate your stress response to external events.  I would also recommend clearing/releasing any thoughts and beliefs that block your ability to accept and love yourself the way you are.  I have used and discussed in my “Releasing Stress” posts the following energy healing techniques, The Healing Codes, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka Tapping, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch’s Self-Created Health and The Release Technique.    Releasing 1, Releasing 2, Releasing 3, Releasing 4

I now use the techniques I learned from Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance Program when I want to clear any blocks or limiting beliefs.  Also, I am using certain tools such as music, meditations and breathing techniques that also clear density.

music_notes_backgroundIncrease Vibrational Frequency

As I discussed in my Thoughts Frequency and Vibrational Therapies posts, there are many factors that impact our vibrational frequency.  Since I spent so much time clearing and releasing work, it is now easier for me to hold higher frequency thoughts.  I am trained in Quantum Touch work on myself and others which increases my frequency.  I also listen to music with Solfeggio frequencies and audio meditations.  My favorite tools/products are:

energyIncreasing Energy and/or Voltage

I use Quantum Touch in many ways, but there are many other techniques that people use.  See post on Hands on Healing.

As I discussed in the pH and Electron post, maintaining a pH in the healthy range, gives your cells the building blocks for repair and healing.  The best things to do to maintain the proper pH is to walk barefoot on the earth, drink water from a moving body of water and eat food grown from earth in its natural state.  The earth, plants and water from a stream contains electrons and when you touch, eat or drink these things they give you the electrons that you may be missing.  In our modern life, it isn’t always possible to be in nature and eat the right foods, but here are things that you can do to give your body healing energy.

  • VibesUp products – these products are designed from things found in nature to provide you the benefits of being in nature.  I have been using these products for years and I love them.
  • Ewater products – These purifiers and additives make water to be more alkaline and alive. I have used many of their products and supplements for many years and they are great.
  • Orgone Generator Pyramid – I just discovered the Healthy World Store and they have great products and supplements.  I have had the small pyramid and I love it, I carry it around everywhere.  It does many things; one of them is donating electrons.
  • Earthing Summit – I just listened to this teleseminar that was very informative.  The Earthing products ground you so when you can’t get outside they provide the benefits of being on the earth even when you are working or at night.
  • Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Book by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra and Martin Zucker.  You can buy at the website above or Amazon.

I have tried many techniques that reportedly healed other people, but helped me only slightly or not at all. I have noticed a significant improvement in my body since I started using my energy healing strategy with the tools and techniques described in this article.  It has been a learning process, so I may not be using some techniques anymore, but that doesn’t mean they were not beneficial at the time.  I believe a healing strategy should address all aspects of you, physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic.

  1. Christie Marie Sheldon, and
  2. Photos are from