Healing from ALS: Healing using Holistic Methods

torc-waterfallThe healing strategy that I use to heal from ALS is to heal the blocks to healing, like stress, trauma and beliefs and then to add energy from nutrition, nature and energy healing.  I believe the most important aspect of my strategy, the thing that helped me stop and reverse the progression of the ALS, is healing sources of stress and emotional trauma.  Our bodies know how to heal and repair, but they aren’t able to do so when they are in stress, see Causes of Illness for more on this.  Then you must add the energy and nutrition to help the body repair and re-build itself.  We know that being in nature and eating healthy foods helps the body heal, but you also need to protect yourself from toxins and electricity in your environment to keep your body strong.    I use Earthing, VibesUP and other products to protect and energize myself.  Also, good water is incredibly important, so I only drink structured water.  I am still learning what I should eat and what nutritional supplements to take that would best help my body heal from ALS.

Late in 2013, I met a woman named Patricia (Tish) Tamowski, who with her husband Alan Scott Douglass, are producing a book and a film about people who have stopped, reversed and are healing from ALS using holistic methods.  I am learning what some of the other people who are healing are doing and I have incorporated a few of them into my strategy and am very pleased with my continued progress.

I am very excited about the book and the film.  I think about how my life would have been different if the information we will share had been available in 2002, when I was diagnosed.  Of course, knowing the techniquesPistyll_Rhaeadrand supplements that are helping people heal from ALS would have been useful, but also just knowing that people are healing would have been a source of inspiration and hope.  Patricia and Scott were just in Southern California, where they interviewed and filmed me and several doctors, who are successfully helping people heal from ALS using holistic methods.  We will be raising money to produce the documentary film called Healing ALS using Indiegogo.com, a crowd funding platform.  We haven’t launched yet, but here is a preview of the campaign.


Tish has been a great source of information since she speaks with all the people who will be in the film and book.  Since all the people use different diets, supplements and other techniques, there isn’t a set list, but there are many different things that are helping us heal.  I am trying new supplements and am currently going towards a Paleo diet.  At this point, I eliminated grain (except some whole rice), I am reducing sugar and dairy.  I just signed up for an online course called Self Care Solutions for Radiant Health by Dr. Robyn Benson, who is a doctor of Chinese Medicine.  I know I will learn much in the course, but I also think it is very important to be part of a group who believe in holistic healing.

torc-waterfall-kerryI do many things to continue to heal from ALS, I spend time in meditation and do Quantum Touch.  I have been trained in Quantum Touch, which is an energy healing technique and I use it to increase the healing energy in my body and to loosen muscle tightness and re-build muscle after more than a decade of atrophy.  I am still using the emotional hearing work of Access Consciousness and Release Technique.  This all may sound like a lot, but much of it has become an easy and joyful part of my life.  I will continue living this way even when my body has been completely rehabilitated.  If there is a hard part, it is the time it takes to learn what you have to learn to turn your life around.  I hope that the book and film give people hope and information about all the powerful holistic tools that can help them heal from ALS.  See tab for My Favorites for the technique and resources that i use.

Blessings and Love,
